Dealing with POTS

So I had to spend 2 days in the hospital cause my heart rate was so low (39-41bpm). I thought that it would be hard to return to the gym but after resting for 3 days cause I still did not feel that great I went back to the gym today! I had new Brooks Youth running shoes and i wore my compression socks and I ROCKED THE TREADMILL! Still at my 2 mile mark and it felt so easy so I didn’t lose any progress like I thought I would. I still can’t work until I see my EP in Greenville on Thursday, hopefully just adjust meds and it won’t happen again! I was so worried I would have to start over that I lost some hope, but it is definitely back now!

{February 25, 2013}   Turn Around….

So after seeing a new doctor that gave me new meds that actually help keep me upright I have decided to fight!!! I am not going to let Dysautonomia bring me down. I got my POTS tattoo and then started training for a 5K. Most people with my diagnosis are not able to be active at all, mos can barely hold a job or tke care fo their families. I refuse to let that happen again. After 2 stays in the ICu, one very long one, I never want to go back but reality is i will probably have to but not easily that is for sure. I am fighting!!! Side effects from meds are making me lose my hair and suppress my immune system (and I work in the emergency room) but I am staying positive. I can no longer just sit around and wait to end up back in the hospital. I am standing up for those that can’t! My tattoo already draws attention and gives me a chance to raise awareness. i am also going to be in full POTSie gear for the 5K so I can tell people all about it. This is for you other POTSies that can’t stand up cause you fall down, literally. I appreciate and encouragement as you all know excercise is not easy. Let’s help raise awareness!!!

{October 16, 2012}   Here it goes….

SO its not the beginning of my POTS but it is the beginning of me sharing my struggles. I have been diagnosed with and autoimmune chronic illness. Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome is that simply, not a disease, but a group of symptoms and there is no cure. As I have always told people, I have always had bad luck when it comes to my health and weird stuff always happens to me. I think I get it from my mom! I received my diagnosis July 2012 after a few months of “I think I am crazy” and “what the hell is my body doing?” I want to tell I was relieved when my doctor gave me something to call it, but I was indifferent. I didnt know what to feel. And of course, feelings always catch up to you. From mad to sad to scared. Since my husband is an active duty Marine of course he would be away when this all happened because thats how it works. If he had been with me things would have been different, but it was just me. When I got out of the ICU my parents had come in to help me, so I put on a front that this was no big deal and I feel better, but that was not the case. I didn’t want them to worry and they had jobs to get back to. With my husband gone once again, I am trying to find my own strength and be my own advocate but of course being a potsie there is defintely not enough energy to do it all. I am hoping to raise awareness with my struggle and to possibly help someone else through this life. One day at a time is what most people say, but in my life it is one second at a time because you never know how you will feel!

et cetera